Poems from ARPoggy

I can't imagine a world where I get better, I really want to see it
When you secretly replace your personality with a mental illness🥴😶😔🤚🤦♀️
Locked Away
Too Delicate To Use
But Look How Pretty It Is In Your China Cabinet
But How Often Do You Look In Your Own...
Starving down to strings
Let me be your instrument
Hollow and wooden
The cask of a tree I used to be
Use me
Write the world songs so I...
I often forget that my eyes are behind colored lenses
I can't unseen the sins on my skin
No bath in holy water
No infinite rosary
When you let him in
You relax in the warmth of his smile
You don't see the pointed teeth
Or maybe you choose to ignore it
It really is hard...
I remembered the stories
A community of illness
Locked away on an island of formality
Where relation was sickness
I sit at the computer...