Poems from AP3430

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I'm just a high school student, looking for a place to write poetry. I often post things I used as assignments on here, but there's some things I write just for this place, as well. I'm hoping to better my skills with writing, even though I'm planning to go into nursing.
I saw the headlights They were quick One step There's two dirrections I can go Behind me, I'm whole Forward, I'll lay in pieces   I wish my...
The bodies weren’t even cold When people safe distances away Made jokes about the dead.   Their bodies are barely in the ground And people...
Generic poem beginning This is the first verse of the poem It sounds like a bright and flowery “How do you do?” Yet like a solemn “How’re...
I never forgot the day You said you loved me Said you'd keep me Hide me from the evils of the world Show me that I'm beautiful   I never...
Remember That time will not rewind To undo injustices Inflicted by our fear and hate. To inflicted the same Injustices with a vengeance And...