Poems from AMWilliams
I leave you with this, a quote from an inspiration of mine. If you know the man or the quote you will understand the poems.
"To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man"
- William Shakespeare
There sits a grave upon a hill,
For whom it is, I do not know.
Nameless it is upon that hill.
Under white sheets of old, wet snow.
Icy are the parapets of the steeple.
Who Stands alone, as the cherubs scowl.
Indeed! Icy are the parapets, even in the warm of June,
Twas grace that struck a cord in me of late.
Grace of your "truths" and abled youth, short lived.
The truths to steer a ship through...