Poems from A Movie Lover

Poems are personal, but so are humans.
When I left for college I was excited. New People, new places, new things to do The idea awakened the little kid inside me.   When I...
Well I had that damn dream again. The one where you come back. You show up at my house,  dressed to the nines with roses in your hand. You...
I'm in heels and a dress I rather be in sweats Reading a book on the train or drinking a milkshake yeah... make that a large ass milkshake...
A love so sweet and tender fills my heart with glee As she kisses me oh so softly  I know it’s ment to be But sweets eventually turn sour...
  In the front of the bus that’s where she sits Quiet and lonely, I have to admit Her lips look tasty and her body is fine Oh what I would...
