Poems from A Misunderstood Leader

I fight for what I believe is right .I lead an example for the younger generations of voices that needs to be heard . I have been told that I will never make it but here I stand a proud young educated black women with ambition.I have a story to tell and I hope you will listen.
I didn't ask for this life where people would judge my well beings. Where me and my little sister could barely get along in school or at...
I wish I could see the beauty of the world through my eyes.To heaar laughter everyday from my peers.Iwish Icould feel the sand on my feeton...
If you couldn't feel the pain from my body then you will never understand the reasons I cry The tears that drew from my eyes because of...
This question that runs through my mind " what is the one thing you can't live without ?" There are plenty of answers I would love to say...