Poems from 15cfisk

15cfisk's picture
fighting crohn's disease and depression one poem at a time
write an endless love story for you  i could write straight through the night and never be satisfied  page after page, a hundred thousand...
i'm so fucking lucky so lucky to love her (am i allowed to say that?) so lucky to want her (can i say that, too?) overwhelmed and teary at...
how is this going? how am i doing? is this what you thought it would be? i’m in love with you after dark  and i can’t picture a world where...
all of a sudden it’s the end of the summer  and we’re still together is it getting better? do you feel the same? would you tell me you’re...
tepid water filling teacups  lukewarm (like your feelings?) but if there’s so much of it does that outweigh the problems with the...
