Your Local Thunderstorm
The curtains billow and bulge, rippling and surging in the breeze. They smack against the window with soft precision when they are sucked towards the darkness. FLASH the lightening brightens the s-BOOM before the trees can shiver, the thunder interrupts their awe, injecting fright. The humid air, once sluggishly oozing around you, now slices you with an icey edge learned in the North. The despair left after anger, this coldness accompanies the hail which pounds the ground with the frustration of a natural power who is not appreciated by man, who can recreate its every thought in a feelingless lab. However we try to out-do nature, the rain will always quench our thrist, or, when it is sparing, will make us long for it with the necessity, or we shall surely perish. My questioning of the forces of life falter as the storm, once so effervescent yet sinister, slowly fades in the background, not noticing until the light is soft and quiet, like the sun's dawning. And back to your local news, this has been Meme with the weather.