You Should've Known That
Crying doesn’t silence me it just dulls my screams of pain
You shouldve known that
Lieng isn’t a crime worthy of horrible punishment
Youshouldve known that
Hangers,wooden spoons, and belts have just one specific purpose; that purpose not abuse
You should’ve known that
It hurts me more than physically when you hit me
You should’ve known that
My face is only red from worrying what you will do next, not because its a target
You should’ve known that
You beating me to stop my language only increases the profane screaming inside me
You should’ve known that
The fact that you could've helped not hurted
You should’ve known that
The tears I cried were tears of sadness and terrible pain, not from being sorry
You should’ve known that
Beating,scarring, and screaming is not the answer
You should’ve known that.