You Say, I Say
You say I am a woman,
I am not fit to rule,
But I have been ruling over this kingdom
As long as I’ve been alive.
I decorate its walls,
And paint it vibrantly.
This life is mine to live,
So I will put ink in my skin
If I want to.
I will change my hair,
Cut or dye it as I please.
I will wear short skirts
And shirts that stop at my ribs
And that is not an invitation.
If my mouth hesitates,
If it does not respond
You’ve no right to place your words within it.
You tell me I am here
To please your eyes
But tell me then
Why is my gift within?
Why is my mind so capable?
Why, then, am I strong?
I am beautiful, yes,
But this is not all I am.
I am things you call ugly
But only when it is my beautiful face
That is the cover.
I am stubborn, and clever, and independent.
But these are the traits of a man, you say.
I say, they are traits of me.
I say that my place is not alongside
And sure as hell not behind a man.
I say that my place is with those
Whose minds
Can push mine,
Strengthen mine
Rather than those who sit back
And place the external upon a pedestal.
Courage and love fortify my kingdom.
Aesthetic may please momentarily
But strength will flourish
Even when encapsulated by darkness.