You Said/I Said

Wed, 10/25/2017 - 10:23 -- Female

You said we was cool said that we go together like peanut butter and jelly said that I was your one and only black friend said that I was…. yo nigga said that it was okay for you to say that because we had been friends for so long and that I should know you don’t mean any harm you said one time someone called you racist and you defended yourself by pulling out a picture of us in your snapchat memories the both of us with the flower crown filter you said that you understand what “my people” go through because one time a boy said he didn’t like you because you were too skinny said that it was the same thing as racism you said you don’t see color but you said that you love a rainbow because the colors meshed together(wait I thought you was color blind) you said you locked the doors when I left you in the car at the corner store because the black man looked at you twice said you was afraid of him but not me you said I was a different type of black person you said that there are three different type of people in this world male female and black said you was just kidding it was joke don’t take it so serious quit being uptight

I said we not friends said that we go together like water and oil said that if you ever call me nigga again we gone fight I said just cuz you got that picture in yo phone don’t mean we friends said that it’s not the same as racism I said you don’t understand what “my people” go through said that I want you to see color I said I want you to know that me and that man the same type of black said that the joke wasn’t funny said lemme tie a noose around yo neck and hang you from a tree and see who laughs at that joke said you so damn white when I look at you I blind myself I said I was just kidding it was joke don’t take it so serious quit being uptight

This poem is about: 
My community
Our world


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