You really dont care
You don't care
Your a teacher ,an educator, you speak for the children
You have NEVER spoke for me. I am a finger print I'm different
Just by saying that these group of kids understand the subject I'm drowning in a sea of ignorance and your waving the life preserver of intelligence in my face as if you're saying " you will die never knowing" even though I'm asking,pleading , begging on my knees yelling screaming at the top of my lungs HELP......HELP...... please help
As I sit in my seat with my sword and my shield ready to learn what comes out of your mouth
I bend my knees open my ears and sit silently ...... but as you start talking.. your language is different then what I've heard before and everyone seems to understand, fighting their demons easily while mine is sitting and staring me in the face taunting me and you along with it...and I hear your menacing tone yelling "kill it before it kills you" that's it that's all you have to give me. I told you I didn't know how ..but once again you don't care.
Your so cruel. You think it's funny to call people out on their weaknesses and as if that doesn't make deep enough wounds you sit and sharpen your nails and dig them into my salt covered knuckles.
When you actually take the time out of your day to help me its such a hassle . You roll your eyes and suck your teeth saying in your head "how did you make it this far" I guess it's not in your job description to care.