You made my life and you made it awesome
I will make mistakes and mess up traditionally,
but thank you for always loving me uncoditionally.
Your love is what makes everything worth anything in life
the blessings you bring are truely rife.
I couldnt ask for a better father, protecter, or friend,
to you Lord, all the praise and glory I send.
Everyday I wake because of you,
during trial and tribulations your love, you have never withdrew
In the saviour I am found
I worship no other but you the king who was crowned.
Who gave your life so I can live today
and let's me know everything is awesome and will be okay.
Even when things that try to destract me and lead me astray,
I know when I look to you, you will be with me the whole way.
To you and no other I will sing your praise
because the greatness you bring to my life I could never repay
anytime or in anyplace never enough can I say
Thank you