You know who you are

I'm lighting a cigarette right now
Nah I'm kidding don't smoke kids
But I am addicted to a different drug
I don't think I'll ever be able to quit it
Quit her
Yeah I figured it was time for one of those poems
So buckle in and let me tell you about her
The most amazing, gorgeous, incredible individual ever
You set?
Shit I don't even know where to start
Do I start with the roast sessions?
Or the really bad attempts at jokes?
All the dumb stuff she does?
Or the way her eyes shine like stars when she laughs?
There's just so many reasons I fell flat, face-first for her.
I think she really got me with her smile
She always says she's loud
But when I see he's the world stands still
Time, stops. And I see her smile
Truly a sight to behold, it beams with life and happiness
It's what I look forward to seeing everyday
It's the last thing I think about every night.
In essence she is essential to me and that's the only way I would ever want things to be.

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