You & I
When there's darkness in my room of light,
I find the way to your eyes,
You can release me of the pain,
Even when the words formed aren't what you mean to say
When there's thron's sticking up from the floor
and my shoes just happen to have holes,
You'll give me yours and embrace those thorns just so I won't have to.
When there is just one apple left on the bush, regardless if I want it or not,
You will starve just so I don't have to.
You tend to reach higher for me even when you're falling short
Give me your last even if it was nothing left,
bring me up when im down,
and show me the real you that no one has found
With you, I can achieve what I once thought was impossible,
With you, I can become a better women than I was yesterday,
and with You, I can continue to reach the heights that we're both afraid to reach.
Thats what your love does for me.