You don’t know me
You don't know me,
But I’m the girl who always sits in the back corner during class.
You might think I am shy
But I sit back there so I can see everything
Not so everyone can’t see me
You don’t know me
You may think I am quiet
Or don’t have much to say
But I’m saving my voice so it will be loud when it matters
You don’t know me
You might think I am an innocent kid
But bitch I got 18 years under my belt, I know some shit and
You don’t know me
You may think I am a pushover
Because I am able to compromise
But if you think that is all I am
You don’t know me
You may think I am polite
Ha! Yeah, ok maybe sometimes
But you should see how I act when i’m at home
You don’t know me
You might think I’m a sweet
And in many ways I am
But when you say it in a condescending way I know
You don’t know me
You may think I am stubborn
You may think I am bossy
But that’s because you feel threatened
And you use these oppressive words against me
Against lots of women to put us down
To reinforce the stereotype
that women should be kind and docile
So, no, if you think that is what I am
Or what I should be
You don’t know me
I am confident
I am responsible
I am funny
I am sassy
I am insecure sometimes
I am loyal to a fault
I am nerdy, but you know, it a good way
I am a leader
I am a strong, independent woman
I am black and
I am proud
I am Nia
Nice to meet you