You broke me and then told me I needed you to feel whole
I sat down next to you in class
And you said hello.
I gave you my number
And you said you'd text me soon.
I became your friend
And you said that was enough.
I laughed at jokes that weren't funny
And you said I was perfect.
I listened to your anxieties
And you said I was your savior.
I said that was too much pressure
And you said I could handle it.
I said no when you asked me out
And you said this was already more than a friendship.
I said no
And you painted my thoughts with the word slut.
I said no
And you said that if I didn't, you would tell him everything.
I said I was scared
And you said I should be.
I said I didn't want him to see me the way you did
And you said he would never look at me anyways.
I said I would go out with you, as long as you left him alone
You said I better, or else you would kill yourself.
I put on my dress and my heels
And you put on your best attempt at a smile.
I didn't meet your eyes
And your hands gripped my hips too tightly.
I followed you onto the dance floor
And you spun me around so I could see him, dancing with her.
I said that it didn't matter to me
And you said that he could never love me, only you could.
I left the dance
And you knew I felt empty.
I was shattered
And you were happy to do it.
I said nothing was wrong
And he didn't believe me.
I told him about you
And he just nodded.
I told him what you called me
And he said it wasn't true.
I told him what you asked me
And he said asked why I did it.
I told him I didn't want you to hurt yourself
And he knew there was another reason.
I never told him how you threatened to tell him I loved him
And how you were going to tell his girlfriend.
I just said you used the thing that makes me the most vulnerable against me
And he never asked me to share.
I said you always made me share
And he said it wasn't supposed to be like that.
I said I felt a little less broken
And he said I never was.