You are, you were. You were, you are.
You are, you were. You were, you are.
You were
quiet, soundless
You hid in words unspoken
You are, you were. You were, you are.
You were
fearful, timid
a blurry background image
You are, you were. You were, you are.
You were
nothing, worthless
believed your thoughts were only static
You were, you are. You are, you were.
You are
loud, bold
a burning star, a blasting radio
You were, you are. You are, you were.
You are
fighting and courageous
standing out amongst the crowd
You were, you are. You are, you were.
You are
valuable, important
your words command the masses
You were lying still,
shrouded in the dark
You are moving mountains
fold them up to touch the stars
You are not what you were.
You were not what you are.