Yesterday Somehow Faded Away


United States
41° 19' 39.9504" N, 74° 51' 2.5668" W

Dainty soft pink slippers twirling high on toes few doors remained closed life an open book

Tapping rhythm to a new song always found a safe place to belong never even had to look

Feels like just yesterday somehow it just faded away

Now I lay counting laughter and tear drops

The whole world lay in my back yard the only attack needing to be dodged was by dragons

Only things exist are what we created, only innocents of the wild imagination

Exploring wonder land unplanned adventure in all kinds of weather

Feels like just yesterday somehow it just faded away

Now I lay counting laughter and tear drops

The world seemed against me could not yank free from the chains oh the lies being feed to me

Unknown sadness filled my eyes had no reason but no choice I had to cry

Feels like just yesterday somehow it just faded away

Now I lay counting laughter and tear drops

Finally I belong; these memories blanket my soul uncovering things that were buried in that hole

Overwhelmed with agape to the point of speechlessness anointed with blessing

Feels like just yesterday somehow it just faded away

Now I lay counting laughter and tear drops

Oceans away miles apart I long for the peace coved in that place the ground covered in grace

It is how I escape all the troubles of the world love falling like rain soaking everyone in its embrace

Feels like just yesterday somehow it just faded away

Now I lay counting laughter and tear drops

Only pictures remind of the past, memories fade with rain cause we know they never truly last

Pain consumes every inch of my being prying me away from the life that once was

Learning to dance in the storm though I pray for life to return to the norm

Feels like just yesterday somehow it just faded away

Now I lay counting laughter and tear drops


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