There’s yellow in you when you’re with me
There’s yellow in the way you kiss my forehead
There’s yellow in the way your thumb embraces mine
There’s yellow in the way you tell me you love me
There’s a yellow scarf in my bedroom closet
It always makes me think of you
So sometimes I wear it even when it doesn’t match my clothes
The yellow that pours from your chest is amber and I’m trapped inside it
I’m stuck in the maple syrup ringtone of your laugh
Wrap your arm around the small of my back, let the bone of my hip be your resting place
Wind my scarf around me and pull me in close to you
Let me hear your laugh again
Take me on a scavenger hunt
Let’s catch silver salmon in the blue rivers that pour out of the love songs on the radio
Let’s find the snowman we made on the hill last winter
He hasn’t melted yet
He’s just sleeping
He’s made of amber now
Let’s find ourselves in the red buttons on my jacket and the white of your t-shirt underneath your sweater
We can be cowboys together when it’s sweater weather again
For now we can just pour sweet iced tea into yellow glasses and drink them in the dining room
Or sit in rocking chairs on the front porch of our imaginations
I love you
I love the face you make when you’re putting on your shoes
I love the stubble on your chin when your razor’s broken
I love the way your lips get tighter when I compliment you
I love you
I love the way it feels to run my fingers through your hair when your head’s on my lap and we’re watching a dumb sci fi movie but I’m really just watching you
I love the way you look in yellow
I love you
Our love is strawberry bubble gum
and Christmas wreaths and holly
and bottle caps and newsprint ads
and gardening gloves when the backyard’s a blanket of snow
Our love is a yellow snowman on a hill
He’s made of amber but only in a way that makes him beautiful
He’s not a fossil, he’s alive, I promise you
Our love
is me chewing on the end of my pen
and stargazing at ten in the morning
while I think of you
Our love is sweet
Our love is yellow
Our love is amber