Writing is like life, probably.
Writing is like life, probably. Maybe.
The uncertainty is pretty appropriate, I think.
How can you know what exactly you'll put on the next page?
How can you know?
Writing is beautiful because it is an exploration of the mind, recorded for everyone to see.
I am beautiful because I am uncertainty made certain.
Writing is hard.
Sometimes it comes out wrong.
Sometimes it won't come at all.
SOMETIMES it's like no matter what you do, no matter what you write, it's not good enough for some people, for someone important, for someone unimportant. For anyone, everyone, for yourself. Sometimes you write and rewrite and crumple an entire notebook's worth of paper, and open, close, reopen a hundred meaningless word files. Sometimes all you're left with is your own frustration and failure and a hundred thousand aborted sentences.
You've done everything wrong and you'll never write anything worthwhile so why try. Writing hasn't done anything for you, so why work so hard for it? Writing hasn't solved your problems before, so why would they now? Writers are great, stupid slobs, who get what they deserve for trusting in so capricious a lifestyle. They're idiots, the lot of them.
This is the truth.
Or at least, it's the only one you can find at the bottom of a waste basket and in the depths of your recycle bin.
These are the lies you tell yourself when inspiration has abandoned you, when you have been betrayed by yourself.
Writing is pride.
You think no one could help you, they couldn't understand what you're trying to say, couldn't grasp the concept because it's so close to your heart that it's red with your blood.
Instead, you clutch it there, hunched in on yourself, guarding it jealously.
You know it is beautiful, but you are afraid that it's ugly.
Writing is letting go, relief, catharsis.
Writing is trusting that you are good enough.
Writing is finding the truth within yourself and sharing it with the world, whether they like it or not.
Writing is more than the finished product. Writing is everything that went into the final product. All the pain and heartache and all the sheer joy of inspiration. All the perfections and imperfections. Not only your favorite phrase in the whole piece, but also that line that you're still itching to change.
Writing is all that lives and has ever lived, and writing is everything that will ever be.
And writing is beautiful.