[W]RITE and write until the words become worlds
[R]ISE above mountains and clouds made of ink
[I]NTO mystical realms crafted by quills
[T]AME thy readers with a masterly piece
[E]XPLORE the universe hidden within
[R]IDDLED by rhythms in glittery dreams
[L]AID on a canvas amid glowing stains
[Y]IELDING like a painter wielding a pen
[N]IGHT elves and giants and fantastic beasts
[O]UTRAGEOUS adventures or fairy tales
[O]NLY imagination tells the brink
[K]EEP on writing till you fly with the birds.
Copyright © Khayri R.R. Woulfe. All rights reserved.
This poem is about:
My family
My community
My country
Our world