To write is to release
The reminder of heartbreak comes, I am sad
when life is good, its good to me
and everything that was bad is only, a mystery
but when the dark clouds roll in
i start to shiver within my skin
to relive all the agony and pain once more
to know my lover is who i endured this for
and then I write
i would smile but then i would cry
for the moment i wasted thinking of you and i
but then i write about how it made me feel
and i wont lie the pain here is real
but i thank you yes i do thank you truly
because this hurt has inspired me to be creative not unruly
and the rain starts to cease
i am me once again, a happy soul
spilling these lines are better than hearing lies you told
i am free once again, a free spirit
and im hoping this piece you may get to hear it
because i want you to know how grateful i am now
for the strength i achieved when i realized just how.
to write is to release
you turned a beautiful masterpiece
into a canvas of destruction and deceit
you are now nothing to me, but a distant memory
the scum on the bottom of my feet, a true enemy
but i don't want you to hurt, the way i gained hurt from you
because if i had a bitter mentality, i'd become just like you, stupid
my mind is free
when i see a blank page, this is where my anger goes
it goes here so that everyone now knows
that even though i've been hurt by you before
i will not let your negativity rearrange my positive core
i am happy