Write Before I Drown
I write to feel righteous
Does writing make me right? Yes.
Because while you sit and think behind eyelids closed to the sun
I write and write until my fingers are numb
They say history is written by the victors
But history is written by the nerds, the writers.
People say I can’t write it all down
They’re right, but if I don’t I’ll drown
Drown in thoughts so vile, so pungent and awful
They’d make you think I was a creature, dark and unlawful
I purge myself clean of these things
But, the way you can’t truly sweep up all the dirt,
There’s always something left over.
Look out, because one day I won’t control them,
They’ll control me
And I won’t be a me
And you won’t be a you
We’ll both just be here,
And you’ll still have your eyes closed
And my fingers will still be numb
And I won’t hear a sound
And you won’t see me coming
So look out, and write something down.
Soon enough you’ll know I’m right.
So write. Please write.
Write before I drown.