Worthy of You
When did it become socially unacceptable to be an individual?
So what I don't weigh the same as you or have the same style as you.
Does that make me any less of a human being?
When did it become okay to judge someone based on their appearnaces?
Where being shallow was considered as having "standards" and where fitting in meant being a clone of the others in your group.
I am beautiful inside and out, but all you seem to notice are my clothes and my overweight physique.
Am I unworthy to be loved due to my lumps and bumps? I guess only when I become skinny will men finally accept me.
Their opinions don't matter.
Stop. Clear your mind.
What makes you beautiul?
I am flirtatious and smart with a scarastic toungue. My eyes are as blue as the ocean and my curves can mezmorize. I am dorky and am tone deaf but will still sing anyways. I am slow to anger and am easy to forgive. My one true judge is The Lord. He defines my worth. I am beautiful.
So drop the act.
You are flawless.
I am flawless.
We are flawless.