The World Around Me
Perception of reality is individual.
The philosophy is simple:
The process of life is equivocal
and understanding is futile.
A flurry of emotions consume me.
Anxiety, happiness, excitement, and bravery.
I would pursue my dreams happily.
The only worry that I reserve
Is one that that would hurt the worst.
Emotional enlightenment is what I seek
As I travel from peak to peak.
Finding this place is no easy task.
I must do what I am afraid of,
Both mentally and physically.
Judgement is the largest of fears.
Judgement from my roots, my peers.
My family is the worst of all,
Because they take it personal.
They are afraid for my failure, before I even try.
They hold me back because they love me but why
Must I hold on to that fear
When it keeps me from what I hold dear.
Judgement is the beast I must tame
Or the only enlightened emotion I have is shame.
Next is for my hopes and dreams.
Both next here and in the reams
The reams of the book that is my life
The good, the bad, and mental strife.
I battle myself every day
Because i cannot muster to say
I love my life of comfortability,
But it bores me so. Don’t you see?
Exploration is what I want,
Of places, of people, and thoughts that haunt.
I only have one life to spend.
What do I have to show in the end.
If all I do is listen and follow,
I know that it will leave me hollow.
Higher education is a prospect so nice,
But it is so much like ice.
I change direction so quick
I usually fall and take a lick.
The reason I just now learned,
The education I have so yearned
Is not where I am being directed,
But where I have not inspected.