World Aids Day Protest Poem

HIV and Aids


Am I a statistic, unaware?

Am I realistic, or a characteristic

Sexism is playing tricks with who I am.


I stumble with fear living inside as dark closet gay

Theatrically I am not straight, I had strayed away

From the suicidal thoughts of being ugly.


In a world full of pain and suffering

I lived through painful times

Frightened by Aids, embraced by change.


Every day is a struggle as my condition persist

For better or for worst with my sexuality

I cope with disease estranged and disgraced.


My sex is mistaken for ineffectual and weak

I live in unethical practice of the skin I live in

I’m dying inside, living a lie, with the will to hold on.


The fever is broken and the secret is out

My past is behind me

And my dreams are ahead.




This poem is about: 
Our world


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