Words, Tears, and Love
Age 8:
Single mother, autistic brother
Frustration, irritation
Brother and sister rivalry
Tiny nerves bring tiny tears
Firstborn but feel forgotten
Grab little lined paper and pen
Write, express my anger
“Mama dos (does) not like me!
*** always makes me want to do something
And i Do It.
and then she says in a yelling vosie (voice)
stop doing it.
and that makes me think she dos (does) not like me.
the End”
Mother keeps note
Reminds her to make me feel special too
Over time, I learned
My brother is special
He needs extra attention
Living with him is a challenge
Requires reason, resist rage
Lesson: patience rewards
Over time, he learned too
Now we get along
Now he looks up to me
Now he is mine to protect
Though he might irritate me still
(as all little siblings do)
I love him and understand his frustrations
His world is full of extra obstacles
It’s hard for us to imagine
Lesson: look from others perspective
Learn to empathize
And then we can all live
And lovingly as a family
Because that is the one thing
That should never have to be without