Words Know Better
You swim and twirl
In my head
An eternal daydream
That nobody notices.
You float and dance
Pushing against my mind
My hand
Wanting to be justified,
Proven on the page.
You make sentences
And things that are not sentences.
You decide on their own
What I'll write.
You flow through me
The wild side
And I can't translate anything you give me
Even with all my continents
And all my languages.
I can't sift out the truth
From amid the metaphors.
But you are my fate.
The words know better than I do.
So I let you. I'm sure
You were waiting for me to admit it.
You are mysterious,
Too cryptic for me.
There is only so much experience possible to get
In twelve years.
You won't fail to confuse me.
But someday I'll find out
That you came true,
In some way or another,
Likely something I'd never considered.
You have a way of being the exact opposite
Of everything.
And somehow you are my gift,
Even if I could never decipher you,
I will give you solidity.
Not despite my ignorance
But because of it;
Because words know better,
I will write.
I'll know better someday.