Words are Pain


Frustration lurked about

throughout my body

Nothing could express the pain I felt.

Words being spit at me

Venom to my soul

Nothing felt right

I didn't belong

Never felt loved

I didn't know how to express

Weak, I was

Lost and scared.

Broken hearted and feared so much

Deflated to the touch


I picked up that pen and wrote

It felt good to write out all the pain

I let people read it

and I gained confidence again

My words were being read

and people actually cared.

I knew this was me. who i really was

people could see, and they loved.

From that moment i wanted to change the world.

Words were used for pain

Now I use them for beauty

I no longer for me

Now i write for the world

Because I want them to see

That there is beauty in every boy and girl.





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