Words of action (Why I Write Scholarship Slam 2013)
Words are long forgotten.
Heart withered and rotten.
Left to rest in a coffin.
Smooth, slippery to soften.
Reason that I am talkin,
Via lettered poetics,
Not for admission or credits
Just trying to splay these ethics,
To those who can maybe get it!
Wake up feeling too lucky.
When always knowing somebody,
Be living ten times more roughly.
No food and water abruptly,
Shows up, and all that they need is a cup..
If only..
I'm sitting fortunate enough to eat lunch!
If only..
Half of the time I feel like I eat to much!
If only..
If I left some macaroni.
Maybe donate just a mac, or a pony..
Maybe dedicate my life based solely..
So that I could maybe help all the lonely..
So nobody gotta feel like they the only..
Write such injustice by every character..
Splayed by a personal made brigade of an amateur.
God as my witness,
We'll get this,
Hands on my mittens,
Why do I write?
Say for instance,
Woke up one night with an image,
That I don't want my dear children
To see the things that's been written,
By history!..
Will he repeat?..
Well that's a mystery,
Fighting for future victory!
I will never won't stop!..
Though vivid while written lyrically,
Never to let hipocracy,
Monopoly evil energy,
Obviously, I will always be
Steps ahead of this tyrany!..
Clothes feeling so irony,
Hope you feel what inspires me!
Loud to act, also silently..
:p (tounge at you face)