Said, spoken, thought.
Defined as the ones that define.
Being that of
Saying, thinking, giving, exchanging, understanding.
Demonstrated through
Beats, syllables, rythm, tone, catologueing.
The beauty we see and hear and express
is yes
through the words we press
to paper through writing, to each other through speaking, to the world through showing
and advetising
and creating.
Without words we are all just jumbled
and crumbled
on a peice of paper that you threw away a week ago becasue you couldn't find the words to say,
to the one you love because you keep waiting for yesterday
to become tomorrow.
And until you find the words to say everything remains static.
Suddenly the music starts to fade
and you would trade
anything so you could find the words to say.
Suddenly the stars in the sky stop looking so bright and you can't find a way to connect them.
The little dipper and the big dipper start to disappear.
And it isn't until you lay back and stare at the night sky, that you start to realize what really matters,
which is the pattern,
that you make with your eyes to form what it is you have been looking for the whole time.
And when you point your finger to the sky and begin to connect the stars, their light starts to fall into your soul as you outline the letters
and without that word you couldn't express to her...
or to him...
or to mom, dad, grandma, or grandpa.
And yes, without words the sun keeps shining
And couples keep fighting
And the Lord keeps designing, our lives.
But what is that if there is no way to express the joys and the fears of the silver lining aloud or on paper or in brail.
Fjalë, tekst, mga salita, paroles, palavras, cuvinte, palabras, sözler, Words.
Bringing cultures together,
Bringing people together to celebrate not only language but themselves.
Can you find a word for that?