The Woodcutter's Love Song
I am the cutter
You are the tree.
I love you
And you love me.
I take up my axe
Step out the front door,
To search for my tree,
My love I adore.
The sun has gone down
All eyes are asleep.
I call for your name
And you call for me.
“I missed you so dearly,”
I hear your soft voice.
“Come quickly and find me!”
I do—and rejoice.
We meet in the darkness,
Your face looks so sunk.
I hug your waist tightly
And measure your trunk.
“The day has been hard,”
You mournfully weep,
“Hush dear, all is better,”
And sap starts to seep.
I push my ax deeper—
You fall to the earth,
And peaceful you lay,
For this was your worth.
I am the cutter,
You are the tree,
I love you
And you love me.