A Woman Who I Used To Call Mom
Dying and trying
crying and supplying
this thing you can not see
this thing haunts you
stalks you
tells you, “I love you”
You once knew this beast
You once knew its heartbeat
You once knew how it taught
You once knew how it thought
To you this beast is invisible
but to me clearly visible
I try every day not to upset it
But even then I tend to regret it
Sometimes the beast fades away
When it leaves it feels like forever and a day
but then it returns
I'm trying to run
I'm trying to hide
but I can not contain this pain inside
once again invisible
once again insane
once again feeling so much pain
I try and i vent
but nothing can prevent
this beast from spewing its hurtful words
its like i'm living two worlds
One world at school
One world at home
clearly visible
but not in the way I desire
all there is
is hell fire
I’ve thought about running away
and away and away
where no one could find me
or hurt me
or love me.
where I'd miss my brothers
and my unrelated sisters
this invisible beast is tearing me apart
it pulls at the strings of my heart
Its very best game is manipulation
I feel like i'm the only one in this whole nation
who feels this way
and this beast makes me feel that I have a debt to pay.
This beast whispers “You’ll fail, and fall and have nothing at all”
so thats the way i act
as though we have a pact
to stay
till the day
I die
This place only feels safe when this beast is gone
but it came out this morning
and now I am mourning
not mourning a lover
but mourning a mother
A woman who I used to call mom