Is it me, is it my skin, do I look different from everyone else
Why am I judge and pushed aside like I am nothing
Is it because of the color of my skin, or the look of my naps
But who am I to be if not me, I need to be set free
Suffocating I can’t breathe, strangled from the pain I feel inside,
Ashamed, that I am a Black woman.
Nothing should be wrong with being a Black woman,
Independent, Strong being able to do things on my own,
Surviving as a black woman,
We have always done it on our own, men where put into place, to protect but it sometimes seems they only seek to destroy.
Should I act different from whom I am to make the man feel better
Should I degrade my body to fit his picture perfect ideal image.
They invest time and money into us, to later leave us, it should be only love for the black woman.
Cause we are strong in who we are, and don’t have to put up with the crap. Black Women are the real reason for life,
My voice gives me power, to make a choice
To find against what other say or think
Stop asking the black woman can you hit it; take your mother flowers for no reason,
Stop making excuses for you putting your hands on us, stop putting your hands on us,
Stop running out on us, stop running over us,
Stop treating us like samples at a grocery store, do not touch us.
Do not touch me, because your actions speak louder than words, and a slap to the face resonates, making me feel hate for you and myself.
For letting you do the things, you do to me, I just learn to accept, Stop treating us like we’re not worth the respect.
We don’t deserve the pain. A loving embraces, can bring a smile to my face.
Black woman should not be a stepping-stone to success, because black woman are successful,
I am a woman of power, and I am not ashamed, nor am I the blame for
The actions a man takes, or the heart he breaks.
only love for the black woman,
Only love.