Without Gold
Without Gold
Without you I couldn't understand the true meaning of love
I wouldn't know what the love of a male could mean
Without Gold
You are the boy to my forever .
I breath you in like a druggy breaths crack
Without Gold
indulged in my mind as I think of the time pass.
You are my morning and my night
Your scent lingers on me as if you were a perfume
This a never ending aroma of you
Without Gold
You express your love to me beyond words.
You tie my shoes without a complaint
Fixing my plate
Catering to my needs
You are my headache that I never wish to fade ,bumping against my head in agony
but you'll never here me complain.
You are my backbone you keep me straight and inline ,when I try to fall
you're the thing I can lean on in that time.
Baby boy you are my everything I couldn't make it
if I was stranded for even just one night I wouldn't be
Without Gold