Without Filters
I am loud without warning
I am goofy without restraint
I hurt without laughs
I am rude, blunt and murderous without a filter in my mouth
I am playful without the reminder of adulthood
I don't like the rules of life, so I break them at every oppurtunity
I don't comply with what others say
without the filters of life I am not black and white
I am blind to obscurities, to mistakes
I don't need all these necessaties, or wishful thinking
without filters I stand alone, I am alone
unless someone decides that a filter for their life won't do it.
i dress, talk and laugh without thinking.
filters i do not have, for anything
they would make my life easier, but it wouldn't be half as fun
without filters I have made friends and lost friends and i have told nothing but what i think
without filters my opinions, flaws and truth are known
I refuse to hide behind societys filters