You sit on your bed praying everything would get better but you wake
go out to eat breakfast your parents ask " whats been with you and not listening? "
you say " idk " you go to school your the girl they push around and use as a slave.
you go home slammed the door and locked it wishing everything would go your way
then you sit in the dark on your bed praying again. your parents yell and say
" UNLOCK THE DAMN DOOR! " so you block the door with your dresser.
they try to unlock the door but you block it more wishing life goes well.
you say " i wish my parents were not alcholics... " so you sleep for a while....
wake up to the sound of a siren. police open the door they say to your parents.
they get arrested for physical and mental abuse. you unblock your door and
unlock it. and wished " please take me away from here... " cops take the parents
to jail. they give you a ride to your new home. you slept threw the ride. they wake you up and say
com'on were here. you seem as if you were first born.
all sad then happy you dont know how to feel. you say " why am i sad if i feel
as if i had something i never had ? " so you keep wishing god reaches his hand and
gave you the power to get what you want. - wishes
1. if you have parents like this call 911 right away
2. try avoiding them till police come
3. ask them if you can leave.