The Winged Beast
If I were a cat,
how would others see me?
If I was a cat with wings,
just how would people see me?
Would it be much different than now?
An animal full of curiosity,
one that did whatever it is she wants.
One who had the power to leap great bounds,
But never do, what she,
in her heart,
One who sits with watchful eyes,
eyes that stare straight through.
Eyes that dance when no one sees,
and smile often, too.
One that sits with quiet tongue,
just seeming to be around,
but actually one who’s listening,
to the familiar sound,
of people chatting of different things,
while her mind escapes,
to somewhere else where people didn't judge so much
and she could be herself.
Do they see a broken body,
One who’s tired and bored?
Or do they see The Lonely Girl who really is quite weird.
The kitty cat sits on her perch,
too afraid to fly,
for fear of the monstrosities
to her that people’d tie.
She’s lazy and aggressive,
snarky and quite rude,
she’s incompetent and vicious when it comes to peoples’ moods.
She doesn't smile
she stares them down,
and readies her venom;
she doesn't like the people, no!
Instead she’d rather kill ‘em.
Or do they see the quiet one
who really is quite scared,
to say or do or move one bit wrong
in fear of their rejection?
She hasn’t earned a prize at all in all her life
but her method of not facing rejection,
has only caused more strife.
For rejection’s already upon her
as she has once more been spat out.
For no one wants such a sour thing,
to be within their mouth?!
But what is seen by the one without eyes,
but instead a heart?
The youngling, little creature,
who’s too scared to even start.
To go ahead and take a leap
in order to follow her dreams,
to soar,
even though it wasn't meant for her species.
To use the wings that she received,
that she now knows for a purpose,
to take flight from all things negative,
to finally leave the surface.