Why Women?
Women are always shunned upon
and why?
because no one knows how powerful we could really be.
the natural birthgivers of the most powerful men who live today and what do they get in return?
but now. women want to take action
Taking action leads into a movement that will impact others.
Black women
Definitely. Underrated
They need more respect when it comes to their hard work and dedication.
They continuously find ways to make themselves known in any industry whether its the music industry or even business.
they will make it their duty
to make everyone know that it was "yours truely"
Hispanic women
also very underrated
They are fierce in their own way
Always thought to be pretty,but their also very smart. Hispanic women have it all together
They know how to manage everything and they make sure its done right. Never underestimate them because they will take the opportunity once its given to them.
Asian women.
Asian women are only known for their strict lives and smarts but have you really considered what their capeablitilies could be?
They could take over in the future. making women more powerful then men in any given second.
just because they are only book smart doesnt mean they dont want to defend their right to be known in the world as a powerful inspiring leader.
Middle Eastern Women.
they are known as "terrorists" when really all they are is just women seeking for a better life just like the rest of us.
These women know what they want and will stop at nothing to continue to get to their goal.
everyday they live as if they have their life in their hands because of how much their "reputation" affects them.
But that doesn't stop them. They will get their education and PROVE to those people whom have stared them down for so long that they can become who they want to be
even with the negatives that are thrown at them constantly.
They never give up.
I am a women.
A woman who longs to show power through passion
But I will gain my power through silence
No one will knock me down
I will get back up and keep pushing forward.
I will become a female leader.
I will be the next female leader. Powered by Cricket Wireless