Why Not ME?
As I sit and ponder about my life
I think why not me? Whey cant I be a wife?
I look in the mirror and what do I see
Is a woman who has so much to offer
So why not me?
What will it take for me to be the blushing bride?
To wear a white dress with a groom by my side
To be able to love and cherish to death due us part
Seems my relationships fall apart right at the start
Why not me? What’s wrong? Why can’t I find love?
Why not me to be the one to rise from above
So much love in my heart wrapped around my warm arms
I will back my man up and keep him from harm
Together as a team we would live life to the fullest
So why do I always run into the bull shit?
I’m done! I’m hurt and have lost all hope
In being someone’s virtuous woman no more can I cope
With the heartache and pain, the lies, the rain
My mind is insane... my heart is to blame
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My heart dropped because of much I felt a bond to each verse. Our heart and love can hurt us and uplift us and sometimes we do wonder when prince charming is gonna get here already! Seriously tho. But this poem reminds me that love comes with time and through the murky waters that haunt our dreams as much as our days awake.. Thank you Dolvas!