Why I Write
I write to know that I am alive, I write to know that I feel... the pain, the loss, the sadness, the love...within the pages as they are inked. Imprinting what is real. The memories. I withold may fade over time. The pages unturned; may lose their shine. But the words may still remain. Imprinted forever on a single sheet of paper. Remaining unchanged.
Even though the time may pass. I may reflect upon the time that I lack. Becoming who I am meant... who I am supposed to be. That mirrored reflection. Was a reflection of me.
My life. My journey. My unturned stone.
The one that served so much purpose so long ago.
I will not remorse over what cannot be changed. But I will write memories down. So as not to forget. But to remember. The journeys that they contain.
I may lose everthing but my memories will still remain.
As I will remain. Unshakable.
And at the present....