Why God, Why?
The girl screaming down the street
As her brother lays on the unforgiving concrete
A pool of scarlet flows from the wound in his chest
She cradles his head as he breathes his last breath
She sobs and she cries
Why God, why?
Why did my brother have to die?
The girl backing up in the corner
She thought this time that it was over
No more pain, no more attacks
He knocks her over with a final smack
She whispers softly as she touches her face
Why God, why?
Why was I born a disgrace?
The boy walking home from the school
He asked himself how kids could be so cruel
Takes his father’s pistol and he hears their words
“Kill yourself nerd”
As he pulls the trigger he asks himself
Why God, why?
Why did you put me on a shelf?
The boy who downed forty-five pills
Thinks about all the times his blood was spilled
Sees his father’s face as he beats him black and blue
His mother’s warm eyes saying “it’ll all be over soon”
He closes his eyes and shouts to the sky angrily
Why God, Why?
Why did you let this happen to me?
Malicious people, actions, and thoughts
I’d change those things if I could
Without a second thought
No one would be sad or lonely or depressed
People would be happier,
At least, that’s my guess
No one would want to take their lives
Or scream up to the heavens
Why God, why?