Why Did I Live?

Why did I live? Well perhaps for tirelessly witnessing the unabashedly innocuous giggles of my new born baby daughter; who had freshly descended from the lap of
the Omnipotent Lord.

Why did I live? Well perhaps for endlessly viewing the fathomlessly barren fields; sprout into the most resplendently fructifying fruits of an optimistic tomorrow.

Why did I live? Well perhaps for stupendously appeasing even the most infinitesimal cranny of my pathetically parched throat; with the spell bindingly tantalizing raindrops of heavenly mother nature.

Why did I live? Well perhaps for uninhibitedly releasing every lugubriously frazzled ounce of energy in my skin; as I tirelessly danced under golden rays of the royal Sunset; for times immemorial.

Why did I live? Well perhaps for incorrigibly agglutinating to the venerated lap of my godly mother; fearlessly sharing all my agonies and ecstasies in the fronds of her compassionately divinely palms.

Why did I live? Well perhaps to interminably fantasize about the boundlessly enamoring beauty of this eternal universe; to sensuously cavort and mate with the most voluptuously titillating women alive.

Why did I live? Well perhaps to imbibe the ideals of unconquerably egalitarian truth and non-violence; to act as an harbinger of unceasing peace for every caste; creed; fraternity and color of humanity.

Why did I live? Well perhaps to tirelessly procreate my very own clan; impregnably ensuring that the chapter of the Omniscient lord's creation forever burgeoned; as I passionately contributed my very best.

Why did I live? Well perhaps for wholeheartedly laughing each bone of my body out; at the various parodies and enthusing inexplicabilities that the colossal atmosphere around me; had to harmoniously offer.

Why did I live? Well perhaps for perennially embracing every of my fellow comrade; which the uncouthly barbarous world had unforgivably shunted; and who was
now one quintessential ingredient of my very own blood.

Why did I live? Well perhaps to unflinchingly salute the Omnipresent Sun as it arose every morning at jubilantly effulgent dawn; to let its undefeated glory pave a path of peerless righteousness in every conceivable pore of my body.
Why did I live? Well perhaps to sight how handsomely gifted was my nimbly impoverished form in the incredulously scintillating mirror; all by the grace of the unassailably wonderful Lord.

Why did I live? Well perhaps to invincibly sleep like a freshly born infant; unshakably snapping my lips shut; at the ominously sacrilegious crackle of midnight.

Why did I live? Well perhaps for intransigently peering into the silken blue tufts of the bountiful sky; assimilating inspiration of a countless more lifetimes into my soul; as I ardently appreciated its majestic aura.

Why did I live? Well perhaps to unceasingly fall into the most poignantly humanitarian of relationships; timelessly explore the unfathomably fantastic vagaries
of the human mind.

Why did I live? Well perhaps to earn every iota of wealth ever conceived on planet earth; so that I could exist as the most royally unfettered Kind; and simultaneously afford the same right to every living organism on this blessed planet.

Why did I live? Well perhaps to be inscrutably tantalized by the umpteenth sounds of the gloriously triumphant forest; feel the sensitivity of the rhapsodically undying wind created unparalleled tremors of desire in every nubile pore of my flesh.

Why did I live? Well perhaps to unforgivingly massacre every trace of the hedonistically massacring devil on the trajectory of this globe; metamorphose this
beleaguered earth once again into the most victoriously fertile paradise.

Why did I live? Well perhaps to forever bid an irrevocable adieu to a thing called spuriously sanctimonious destiny; evolve a destiny whose foundations rested on righteously persevering hard work; instead.

Why did I live? Well perhaps to bond every passionately volatile beat of my heart; with the immortal beats of insuperably gratifying love which were prevalent in even the most evanescent ounce of the atmosphere.

Why did I live? Well perhaps to unrelentingly relish the unbelievably fiery puff of passionate air that resurgently rushed into my nostrils every single instant; which was my sole source of all desire on this untiring Universe.

And why did I live? Definitely because the unconquerably Almighty Creator wanted me to; this very moment and till every other moment that he ordered me to symbiotically live; as the complete control over my first and very last breath; was his; his and forever and inimitably his.


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