Why Did I Believe You?
You first caught me with your smile
You reeled me in like a fish
I didn’t know I had other options
I was just looking for food
For my heart
I thought of you as my fox
(Perhaps that should have indicated
What was to come)
Foxes are mischievous and cruel
So were you
“Because I love you”
You said
When you destroyed my dreams
And confidence
You said you were helping me
Why did I believe you?
It hurt, but I learned
I learned not to trust you
I’m still learning
But now I know this:
A healthy relationship is one where you emotionally invest yourself
If I’m crying I can lean on you
If you are, you can lean on me
A healthy relationship is a respectful one
I respect that you have other friends
You respect that I have mine
A healthy relationship is an equal one
You are not my master
An eye for an eye
A kiss for a kiss
A healthy relationship is fearless
We aren’t stressed around each other
We aren’t afraid to say what we believe
We aren’t scared that one wrong move could cause a break-up
A healthy relationship is not manipulative
It is not using words against one another
Nor threatening to kiss another girl
It is not messing with my mind
Until I feel hopeless
And alone
A healthy relationship is a loving one
It is one where just the thought of your partner
Can make you smile
They are your best friend
Your partner in crime
Your stories are real
And not a fantasy made up in your mind
Real, true love is knowing that you would sacrifice anything
For your partner
That they would do the same
A healthy relationship
Truly finding love
It is a two way stream
It cannot be done by one person
That is the most important lesson that one may ever learn