
Sat, 08/13/2016 - 03:59 -- 090224


Why would you put down a person for being unique?

Why would you lower others self-esteem just to build up yours?

You can hurt someone just like that. You can make a person lose their lives over your

actions and words. Be careful. What comes out of your mouth is a dangerous weapon 

to have. You tongue can be the sword of all evil but, it doesn't have to be if you choose 

use the power of your voice for good. Don't stab the person with your words. Before 

you know it they are gone forever. You can lose one life just by your actions. Make a 

change in this world and stop the madness. Why would you let someone lose their life

so quickly? Why would let someone go because of your feelings? Why would you 

let someone take their lives? Why would you stand their when you can save a live? 


This poem is about: 
Our world


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