I always see the good side of people,
Always giving them the ‘benefit of the doubt’,
While I expect others to do same for me,
Still doing so even when they don’t.
You may call me naive
But that’s who I am.
I try to connect with others,
Actively supplanting social media
With the hope of a deeper engagement.
You may call me old school
But that’s who I am.
Often, I work real hard,
Helping others whenever I can,
I end up 'suffering' on many occasions,
Still, I sacrifice on the next chance.
You may call me a loser
But that’s who I am.
Sometimes I feel helpless
Like no one understands me,
When everyone seem not to care,
Life, like the bright night drifting into despair
You may call me sad
But that’s who I am.
Those moments my mind is bathed in guilt,
Just after I have fallen so hard,
Even the occasions I don’t recognize it,
In my everyday human life.
You may call me a sinner
But that’s just who I am.
Each morning I wake up,
The troubles come, but I stay up,
Even when that voice continues to chant, "Give up",
There’s that conviction that I’m way up.
You may call me a fighter
That’s just who I am.
When my demons cloud my thoughts,
As my troubles charge on an onslaught,
Facing that familiar mountain, seeming insurmountable,
I still take that next step forward, believing…
You call me faithful
That’s just who I am.
Each moment I count my blessings,
My woes likewise,
Even when the latter seem overwhelming,
I sing, I dance, I pray, I smile.
You call me thankful
That’s just who I am.
While I struggle each moment, every day,
Knowing that salvation is infinitely costly but absolutely free,
That the power of God within me is greater than the troubles around me,
That the closer to the shepherd, the farther from the wolf I get.
You call me christian
That’s who I am.
In the midst of my storms there’s this peace,
When God hears more than my words,
When he listens to my heart,
When I deserve punishment but get forgiveness,
When I deserve God’s wrath but get His love,
Knowing He loves me not for who I am, but for who He is.
He calls me His son
People may see me in their own way,
But only one matters!
God’s Son-that’s Who I Am; and that suffices.