Who Am I ?
The pen is my sword ,
and the paper my charioteer .
Alphabets form my shield ,
and Imagination my armour .
My mind and heart have four children :
The short story is the youngest ; full of wonder ,
The poem comes next ; with beauty of the heaven ,
The article is the third ; brimming with splendour ,
The quote comes fourth ; with the wisdom of a raven .
My body is the home
Of this happy family .
And in me together they have sown ,
the seeds of literary agility .
I bring joy to people ,
I act as their voice .
I mirror their pain , their every feel ,
I choose from the platter of immense choice .
I may not be like the singer ,
serenading with every note ,
I may not be like the dancer ,
mesmerising others with the work of their foot .
But I am equally talented .
I can create wonders .
While reality has many minds cemented,
I gallop into wild adventures .
I create people on the way ,
I nourish their new born soul .
I can control what they say ,
Be it a superhero or a garden troll .
I am the rainbow in the reader's life .
and the backbone of the publisher's desk .
I light the candle of new beginning,
and open the door of entertainment .
I am the keeper of words .
I am a Writer .
This who I am .