Who Am I?
Who am I,
If I’m not me?
What am I,
If I can barely see?
Am I the blackest black?
Am I the whitest white?
Am I a shade of darkness?
Or am I a fluorescent light?
Can I not be me?
Why can’t I be free?
I’m lost without a clue,
So, in the end, what should I do?
I want to sprint and tumble and run,
I want to swiftly swing and fly.
I want to see a haloed image of me,
Living life on an everlasting high.
I wish to love and be loved,
As any other can do.
My hearts begs and pleads to soar,
To seek someone else too!
But my blood-encrusted shackles remain,
As my body, heart, and mind scream in pain.
Society compresses and weighs me down,
So instead of a gleaming smile, I frown.
Stretched thin as pulled taffy,
I’m nearing my breaking point.
The time is coming though,
And so I will break out of this joint!
I can be me, whoever that will be,
Christian, Gay, Black, White, or Lesby!
I can glitter, sparkle, glow, and shine,
Because, in the end, the world is mine!