Who Am I
Who am I….
The smile on my face
The curve of my hips
The rise of my breast
Or the luscious of my lips
I am….
I’m none of the above
I am who I claim to be
I am who I strive to be
I am the woman I want to be
Who am I….
An attitude waiting to come out
A feisty young woman
A thug trying to be classy
A child without any guidance
Or am even alive
I am….
A woman trying to find herself
A loving and caring woman
A woman who wants to bare her own kids
The love of someone’s life
Who am I….
The person who smiles when she’s sad
The person who do for others when she can
The person who have a sweet and sensitive heart
The person that someone hates that still exists
I am…
All of the above
Someone’s daughter
A believer of God
I am who I say I am!