White is a color. Deal with it.
Ok, so here's the deal.
I get that your people were opressed in America.
I get that you resent me as an abstract concept.
and I get that you want to take pride in being Colored.
But white is a color.
White is all colors.
And let's take a minute to talk about the idea of Whiteness.
White is the color of paper.
It's the color of the screen behind the letters I'm typing to you now.
If I put my hand on a sheet of looseleaf does it fucking Blend?
No. It Doesn't. Not even when I Don't have any tan at all.
White is the color of vanilla and marshmallows and scotch tape and milk and blank clean paper.
I dont match ANY of those things.
Why do you get to be Dominican or Nigerian or Indian
But I don't get to be Dutch
or a Gypsy Romanian
or Polish
or Sweedish
or French.
I. Only. Get. To be. White.
Why do you get to have parades and celebrate your history
But when you finish a story and I want to tell you about the brave and tragic Murder of Father Popiełuszko, or how the Communists tried to have my nana killed, or so many other things
I don't get to have a story.
I only get to be white.
I only get to polka at parties.
And only if I like it when you laugh at me.
So I'm sorry if it displeases your highness
I'm sorry but I won't let you whitewash me
I have a colorful history too
Turns out not every special snowflake is a shade of ebony
So maybe after this rant, we can live in harmony
and not have to be colors, but instead just be we.
But if it pisses you off too much to deal, I understand
and I'll dance off-rhythm for you until you feel superior again.